Friday, December 30, 2005

Left half of dinner table...

Ok, Grandpa, myself, Darin, Tucker (who really just wanted to look out the window at the Santa Claus waiving his hand) and Jennifer. As you can see mom took a page from Becky's book on the lights above the table. Jenny and I set it up after we had the table cloth and stuff already on the table. Crap everywhere you're askin?! Yep sure was! So we had to do it all over again, but I think it turned out quite nice. Another fun bit of info, the window to the far left we had to open so Tucker would be entertained (cause you KNOW he didn't want to sit at that table and EAT?). Besides the blinds opening up the window itself was up because it was getting a little stuffy, so what does dad do? Predictable father of mine, he sneaks out from his position at head of the table and goes outside. Where he crouches around to the open window with Tucker's face pressed up against it and AAAGGGGHHHHHH! Well that sent Tucker back on his behind and right back up again to see the Santa Clause with Grandpop. So dad took the kids outside to look at the lights, oh the big softy he's becoming. LET NO ONE BE FOOLED!!


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