Saturday, December 02, 2006

Independence Day

Back to the 4th of July we go....
The festivities started off just as they should with a gathering of family at the old people's place for food and swimming. Here is Chaos and Mom enjoying a dry pair of clothes after the previous splashing and wet clothes.

God love Abby, she has the best faces! One of the rare (in order to make it special) times that I take her up into my room and bathroom to play in the magic treasure chest or put on makeup. You can give your opinion here, does that shade of lipstick look a little too dark?

But boy can she make that eyebrow dance!

Some time after the stuffing of our faces had occurred and all the water had been removed from the ear canal (by jumping on one leg of course, Thanks Robbie!) we headed out to Roberto's humble abode. Where we set the ground afire!

I like this picture because you can kind of see Abby in the corner, she looks like a ghost! Tucker had a pair of 3-D glasses for some reason, so I thought I'd see how a picture would come out through the 3D eyes.

Rob's homemade hot dog cooker...

Look closely now, I had him put it up against his white shirt for a reason. He said he was going to make a "girl" hot dog cooker....hhmmmm, one can only wonder.