Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How we do snow in California...

So, on Dad's 58th birthday, Darin, Jenny, and the kids made their way up to the mountains with a shovel and the bed of a huge pickup truck in toe. The latter they filled up with the former and brought it home for all to enjoy. On that day, what a sight to see, our whole family participating (in some form or another) in the ever so classic snowball fight. Now there were no ambushes, per say, because there was only one snow mound to choose from. This also made the percentages of direct hits higher than the most average snowball fights that I've heard of. The first to partake in this chilling even where the three below. What else are big sisters good for if not for hiding behind their 4 year old brothers?

After such a betrayal, Tucker choose nothing less than an appropriate response.... He prepared to fire back.

Since he couldn't seem to manage breaking this monster into smaller mini monsters, he compromised.

And decided to throw the whole thing! What a mighty heave for this youngster, let's watch and see what happens next!

Nothing short of a direct hit! Baseball may be in his future yet, a little center field action?

Ah, he is learning fast. There is nothing quite like an attack from behind. That's it Tuck, get 'em when their not lookin'.

Enter Grandmaciti. Now I know what you're thinking, what could she possibly have to offer this developing massacre?

She was the new target! Which unfortunately here, you can only see the aftermath, and another thought developing in the angels from the underground.

Then Grandmaciti did what Grandmaciti does best....she strikes back!! Direct hit! What a throw!

Just imagine it...you're four years old, enjoying the numbing of your 10 little fingers and the fact that your grandmaciti just took a snowball in the chest by your own hand. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, she turns on you! Grandmaciti's dark side is revealed! She gathers up the hardest piece of snow she can find, and it's all meant for you, the youngest grandson she has (might ever have). How could you have been so blind? So careless with you love? Traitor!!

What you're seeing now is the only obvious solution for payback. Tears. Pack your bags! We're going on a guilt trip!

Now, there are so many things going on in this picture, I'm not sure what to point out first. Could be the fact that Grandmaciti is trying a different tactic on her grandson. Strangulation. Or, I could point out that I'm being hunted like an innocent gazelle on the plains, and Abigail is the lioness. Just look at the hunger in her eyes...

At this point they've switched from using their hands and just using the bowl to throw the snow.

Again, lioness and gazelle.

The blurry thing in the middle of the picture, at the bottom of that garage door is the direct hit that Kayla is about to receive in the shoulder. Point for Travis! He can throw, but he needs to work on his speed. What's not show in these pictures, is when the gazelle turns to the huntress and chases down the long haired track star wannabe (and I say that with all the love in the world, but Travis, you gotta work on that back kick).

I believe something along the lines of, "Get back here you little twerp," was floating along the wind at this point. What is it about the snow that just brings out the best in people?

Typical scene here, Kayla runnin' away from Mama bear. No mercy. The only rule Jenny plays by, God help us all...

Looks like Abby got a little taste of her own medicine. Although it could quite possibly be a ploy to lure Mama bear into the picture from a backside attack. I'll have to look through my video files and see if I can catch the replay. They hyenas may be installing their wounded, surround and attack option.
All in all a great birthday for Dad, and I'll fish out the video that shows his part in this whole debacle. This is rather late at night and I hope you've all enjoyed the California novice snowball fight in February.